Monday, March 24, 2014

Looking Forward

Well it looks like Sharon and I will be here in the Keys for another year. We had wanted to leave this April but that is not to be. I need to get some work to build the cruising kitty up before we leave. Also the church we go to here is starting an addition on their building and I have committed to help them with that. All in all their are worse places to be stuck for a year, 70s and 80s in the winter and 80s and 90s in the summer.


On or about April 5th I will be leaving with a friend to take his sailboat from here to Galveston bay. It is around 700 nautical miles across the gulf. It should be about 7 to 10 days. This will be the furthest offshore I have been an a small boat. I am looking forward to it. I have always wanted to do an ocean crossing. This will be a taste of offshore sailing. It will be interesting to see if I like it or not. Sometimes we want things and work hard to get them and then find out that that is not what we wanted at all. And sometimes at a great price.

We have reactivated our spot tracking device. That means the link at the top of the page will take you to a map that shows where we are. When the map comes up it is zoomed way in. You have to use the slide bar on the left to zoom it out to get the big picture.

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